Whilst whiling away the hours at work, and constantly checking my email, the sheer volume which I had already accumulated (263 in 7 working days) led me to set a goal for myself over my internship.
The challenge stands thusly:
I will attempt to, over the course of my entire internship (finishing in mid-late June/early July), accumulate in my work email inbox 5000 (yes, five thousand) emails.
Therefore, to all who have been privileged to have received my work email, continue your contributions towards my goal, and as a challenge towards yourselves, attempt to increase your output daily, so that this challenge can be overcome!
To those who have not yet received my work email, I am willing to hear requests for such, but may not disclose said email unless I deem it worthwhile.
Be advised that there may be awards, at my discretion...
And finally, the honour roll.
1st email: Kat
50th: Kat
100th: Claire
150th: Kat
200th: Steve
250th: Kat
Dinosaur Egg - Day Six
12 years ago
haha score me!!
That doesn't mean you can slack off now Kat
haha go kat!
woo hoo! I have made the list 550th email :P
Well Jimi is really on a roll, he's also got the 650th (when I put it up)
Good words.
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