And I have too much other stuff on my mind. Wow, I've managed to go for more than a month without posting on this thing. Maybe I should rectify that.
Finally finished my internship (hooray for finished internships) last Tuesday. For the record The Challenge ended up with some 8500 odd (I stopped really counting them during the last few days) emails. Congrats to all who contributed. Will post stats and honour roll soon.
Kylie's still in Mongolia.
Can't wait for sailing to properly start again. Once a month is just not enough. While still on the topic of waiting for things to start, I can't wait for uni to start either. Maybe I'm just missing my friends, maybe it's because uni seems to be like a holiday compared to 8:30 to 4:30 every day.
Bored now
Dinosaur Egg - Day Six
12 years ago
Umm no im not...
tee hee
8500 Emails! oooooohhhh Yeeeea!
Who ever can beat that record is seriously in the wrong email circle.
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