So, being bored enough to actually check out Mike Paget's blog has in a roundabout way led me back here. I wish I knew what to write...
Sailing started about 2 months ago. It's been going ok. 3 wins in 5 races. I did manage to trash my centreboard hitting a rock. That was fun. Insurance thankfully paid for a replacemen
I've also gotten into a bad habit of hitting Greg lately. One time it was my (stupid ratchet block's) fault and the other was a miscommunication but still...
I seem to have lost a lot of speed upwind lately and I'm not sure why. I think I need to actually go out and do a bit of practice but I don't have the time or motivation.
Speaking of motivation, I've been losing a lot of it with uni. I just can't be bothered to do my work and with 2 assessments and 3 exams left for this year I should be more motivated. Sigh...
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