Well, after talking about it for the last, like, 3 or 4 months, I have finally added (more) penguin-ness to my life.
Thats right, I'm finally outing myself as a geek.
I've installed Linux
And it looks HOT!
No, really...
The final straw was XP's Media Centre crashing almost every time I started the TV. Plus a whole bunch of other niggling little things (damn Norton). So anyway, still dual-booting with XP because I refuse to be without my precious(sss... Gollum.. Gollum..) games. i.e, gaming still sucks on Linux. I think. I have yet to try out any of the native Linux games out there and probably wont be until I can get to uni and get the wireless running so I have ridiculously fast download speeds. For that I'll probably be needing Eh, Steve's help. Sigh
On the other hand, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 works perfectly in Linux...
As to why I'm up at this hour, um, I blame..., um...
Ah, I'm waiting for Seabreeze to give me its 4am update for tomorrow's wind strength. Going sailing tomorrow. Sailing's started again. Maybe I should get some sleep...
A final thought, just to get this out there. As a result of my (starting to become a bit infamous, at least to Kylie) random internet wanderings, I came across Date to Save. Visit at own risk. This site is what happens when early teen American girls get their hands on a Bible and a dictionary and start to notice boys. Well at least, I'm assuming it's teenagers. I'd hate to think adults in America can be like that.
A quote:
Doesn't God look down on missionary dating and tells us to not be "yoked with unbelievers"?
I (like) looked up (like) yoked, and (like) the dictionary says it's (like) a "A crossbar with (like) two U-shaped pieces that (like) encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other (like) draft animals working together.(like whatever!)" I would (like) never encourage anybody to do this on a date... (like totally)
In case you hadn't noticed, I've gone and added the words which like totally should be there...
And it gets worse.
Truly scary place. And in a way, quite sad also. Sigh
Well anyway, forecast says 14 to 15 knot nor-easter from 2 til 3.30 (rough race time). Sigh. might drop. It was predicting 11 to 13 just twenty minutes ago. I'll check it again tomorrow morning.
Anyways, bed time for me.
Dinosaur Egg - Day Six
12 years ago
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