Tuesday, 30 January 2007

The Poetry of Naturally Jim

I think the word orang utan does have roots in a variation on "orange" actually.

Part 1:

Sam Tan's grand-nan
Demanded an orangutan
Sam Tan, nan's fan
Ran to nan with Tan's Grand Plan
Nan panned Tan's plan,
Handed him a helping hand,
(having had a grand-nan gander)
in granding Sam's Tan's grand plan grander

Tan's grand-nan manned Tan's band sander,
Sam Tan, a left hander, fanned her
Nan band-sanded Sam Tan's left hand, and
Sam, not understanding, banned her

Part 2:

"Why oh why?" Sam tan did cry
"Why sand my hand? Next, try my eye!
I hope you die, hope we both die!
You made me cry, now fly, goodbye!"


"Without Nan, my lend-a-hander
To my plans I still can pander
Nan just doesn't understand
She pans my plans, and sands my hands.
Still I'll catch that orangutan
Then every man will be Tan's Fan."

Tan was on fire, he did not tire.
He, full of spite, worked day and night
On his ape-catchin' contraptions
Watching movies with closed captions

Part 3:

At roughly one the fun was done
So Sam had lunchtime in the sun
He ate some clean greened steamed creamed buns
Poked pointy sticks, admired his guns,
Slammed down Dave Hahn's canned jam flan
Then set out to enact Tan's Plan

Mr. Van Man helped young Sam
Strap the trap to Sam Tan's van
"Mr Van Man, Mr Van Man,
Thanks, I'll pay you when I can, man!"

After visiting his florist
(Henry Benry Benson Morris)
Sam Tan drove down to the Forest
Where in thirds, he heard birds chorus

He unstrapped straps and unflapped flaps
From his strapped up, flapped up trap
He wrapped the gap and turned the tap
And in a snap his trap could trap

He found some soft ground lying around
And on this ground, his trap went down
Sam checked the tapped trap was well wound,
Then drove the Tan Van to safe ground

One time, west of balmy Ghana
Sam had bought a fresh banana,
Charmed it from a harmelss farmer
(who was a part time snake charmer,
and a fan of Wendy Harmer,
and feared, most of all bad Kharma)

In the grounded, wound-ed trap
With tapped up taps and wrapped up gaps
Lay this Charmed, Farmed, Balmy Ghana
Harmless Snake Charmer, pro-Harmer
Kharma-drama Banana farmer's
Festy, ex-fresh west banana.

Ah Somehow Jim, classic...

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